What is the Easiest Instrument to Learn?

by md shuvo
The Easiest Instrument to Learn?

If you’ve ever wondered what the easiest instrument to learn is, you’re in the right place. In this blog, we’ll explore various instruments, their learning curves, prices, and provide some valuable insights to help you decide which instrument might be the best starting point for your musical journey. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s get into it!

Comparison Table of Instruments

Here is a detailed comparison of various instruments, highlighting their price range, learning time to play simple songs, affordability, portability, and versatility.

InstrumentPrice RangeLearning Time to Play Simple SongsAffordabilityPortabilityVersatility
Ukulele$30 – $1007-14 daysHighHighFolk, Pop, Jazz, Reggae
Keyboard$50 – $30014-21 daysModerateModerateClassical, Pop, Rock, Jazz
Recorder$5 – $202-5 daysVery HighVery HighClassical, Folk, Contemporary
Cajon$50 – $2007-14 daysHighHighFlamenco, Latin, Pop
Harmonica$10 – $507-10 daysVery HighVery HighBlues, Folk, Rock, Country
Djembe$50 – $1507-10 daysHighHighAfrican, Pop, World Music
Guitar$100 – $50014-28 daysModerateModerateRock, Pop, Blues, Folk
Violin$100 – $40021-35 daysModerateModerateClassical, Folk, Jazz
Bongos$30 – $1005-10 daysHighHighLatin, Pop, Jazz
Tambourine$15 – $501-3 daysVery HighVery HighPop, Rock, Folk
Kalimba$20 – $605-7 daysVery HighVery HighFolk, Pop, World Music
Triangle$5 – $201-2 daysVery HighVery HighClassical, Folk
Maracas$10 – $301-3 daysVery HighVery HighLatin, Pop, Folk
Comparison Table of Instruments

Detailed Look at Each Instrument

Let’s dive deeper into each instrument to understand why they are considered easy to learn.

Ukulele: A Beginner’s Best Friend

The ukulele is often touted as one of the easiest instruments to learn, and for good reason. It’s small, affordable, and has a friendly learning curve.

  • Simplicity of Basic Techniques: The ukulele has only four strings, making chord shapes simpler and easier to memorize. Basic chords like C, G, F, and Am can be learned quickly, allowing beginners to play a variety of songs early on.
  • Availability of Learning Resources: The ukulele has gained immense popularity in recent years, leading to a plethora of online tutorials, songbooks, and instructional videos.
  • Affordability: Ukuleles are generally inexpensive, with decent beginner models available for under $50.
  • Portability: The compact size of the ukulele makes it highly portable.
  • Versatility: Despite its simplicity, the ukulele is versatile and can be used in various music genres, from folk and pop to jazz and reggae.
  • Learning Time: You can expect to play basic songs on the ukulele within 7-14 days with regular practice.

Keyboard: An Accessible Path to Music

The keyboard is another excellent choice for beginners. It offers a clear layout of notes and a wide range of sounds and functions.

  • Simplicity of Basic Techniques: The layout of a keyboard is intuitive, with each key representing a different note. This visual representation makes it easier to understand music theory and scales.
  • Availability of Learning Resources: Keyboards have been popular for decades, resulting in a wealth of learning resources.
  • Affordability: Entry-level keyboards are reasonably priced, with good quality models available for under $100.
  • Portability: Smaller keyboards are still relatively easy to transport.
  • Versatility: Keyboards are incredibly versatile, capable of mimicking a wide range of instruments and playing various music genres.
  • Learning Time: With regular practice, you can play simple songs on the keyboard within 14-21 days.

Recorder: An Easy Introduction to Wind Instruments

The recorder is often used as a starter instrument in schools due to its simplicity and affordability.

  • Simplicity of Basic Techniques: Producing sound on a recorder is straightforward, requiring only basic breath control.
  • Availability of Learning Resources: There are numerous resources available for learning the recorder, including online tutorials, method books, and instructional videos.
  • Affordability: Recorders are very inexpensive, with good quality models available for under $10.
  • Portability: The recorder’s small size makes it highly portable.
  • Versatility: While primarily associated with classical and folk music, the recorder can be used in various genres, including pop and contemporary music.
  • Learning Time: You can expect to play simple songs on the recorder within 2-5 days with regular practice.

Cajon: A Fun and Accessible Percussion Instrument

The cajon is a box-shaped percussion instrument that is easy to learn and play.

  • Simplicity of Basic Techniques: Playing the cajon involves striking different parts of the box to produce various sounds. Basic rhythms can be learned quickly.
  • Availability of Learning Resources: There are many tutorials and instructional videos available for learning the cajon.
  • Affordability: Cajons are reasonably priced, with good quality models available for under $100.
  • Portability: The cajon is relatively compact and lightweight, making it easy to transport.
  • Versatility: The cajon is versatile and can be used in various music genres, from flamenco and Latin to pop and acoustic music.
  • Learning Time: With regular practice, you can play basic rhythms on the cajon within 7-14 days.

Harmonica: A Compact and Expressive Instrument

The harmonica is a small, portable instrument that offers a lot of musical potential.

  • Simplicity of Basic Techniques: Playing simple melodies on the harmonica involves basic breath control and coordination.
  • Availability of Learning Resources: There are plenty of tutorials, books, and online courses available for learning the harmonica.
  • Affordability: Harmonicas are very affordable, with good quality models available for under $30.
  • Portability: The harmonica’s small size makes it extremely portable.
  • Versatility: The harmonica is used in various music genres, including blues, folk, rock, and country.
  • Learning Time: You can expect to play simple melodies on the harmonica within 7-10 days.

Djembe: A Joyful Percussion Instrument

The djembe is a West African drum that is fun and easy to learn.

  • Simplicity of Basic Techniques: Playing basic rhythms on the djembe involves striking the drumhead with your hands. The different tones and sounds can be learned quickly.
  • Availability of Learning Resources: There are many tutorials, books, and online courses available for learning the djembe.
  • Affordability: Djembe drums are reasonably priced, with good quality models available for under $100.
  • Portability: The djembe is relatively compact and lightweight, making it easy to transport.
  • Versatility: The djembe is versatile and can be used in various music genres, from traditional African music to contemporary pop and world music.
  • Learning Time: With regular practice, you can play basic rhythms on the djembe within 7-10 days.

Guitar: A Popular and Versatile Choice

The guitar is one of the most popular instruments in the world, known for its versatility and wide range of sounds.

  • Simplicity of Basic Techniques: Learning basic chords and strumming patterns can be straightforward. Many popular songs use simple chord progressions.
  • Availability of Learning Resources: There is an abundance of online tutorials, songbooks, and instructional videos available for learning the guitar.
  • Affordability: Entry-level guitars are reasonably priced, with good quality models available for under $150.
  • Portability: While not as compact as some other instruments, acoustic guitars are still relatively portable.
  • Versatility: The guitar is incredibly versatile, capable of playing a wide range of music genres, including rock, pop, blues, and folk.
  • Learning Time: With regular practice, you can play basic songs on the guitar within 14-28 days.

Violin: A Classical Favorite

The violin is a classical instrument known for its expressive sound and versatility.

  • Simplicity of Basic Techniques: Producing a sound on the violin can be challenging at first, but basic techniques can be learned with practice.
  • Availability of Learning Resources: There are many tutorials, books, and online courses available for learning the violin.
  • Affordability: Entry-level violins are reasonably priced, with good quality models available for under $150.
  • Portability: The violin is relatively compact and lightweight, making it easy to transport.
  • Versatility: The violin is used in various music genres, including classical, folk, and jazz.
  • Learning Time: With regular practice, you can play simple songs on the violin within 21-35 days.

Bongos: An Exciting Percussion Instrument

Bongos are a pair of small drums that are fun and easy to learn.

  • Simplicity of Basic Techniques: Playing basic rhythms on the bongos involves striking the drumheads with your hands. The different tones and sounds can be learned quickly.
  • Availability of Learning Resources: There are many tutorials, books, and online courses available for learning the bongos.
  • Affordability: Bongos are reasonably priced, with good quality models available for under $50.
  • Portability: The bongos are compact and lightweight, making them easy to transport.
  • Versatility: The bongos are versatile and can be used in various music genres, from Latin and pop to jazz and world music.
  • Learning Time: With regular practice, you can play basic rhythms on the bongos within 5-10 days.

Tambourine: A Fun and Simple Instrument

The tambourine is a simple percussion instrument that adds a rhythmic element to any music.

  • Simplicity of Basic Techniques: Playing the tambourine involves shaking, striking, or tapping the instrument. Basic rhythms can be learned quickly.
  • Availability of Learning Resources: There are many tutorials, books, and online courses available for learning the tambourine.
  • Affordability: Tambourines are very affordable, with good quality models available for under $20.
  • Portability: The tambourine’s small size makes it highly portable.
  • Versatility: The tambourine is used in various music genres, including pop, rock, and folk.
  • Learning Time: You can expect to play basic rhythms on the tambourine within 1-3 days with regular practice.

Kalimba: A Unique and Melodic Instrument

The kalimba is a small, portable instrument that produces a beautiful, melodic sound.

  • Simplicity of Basic Techniques: Playing the kalimba involves plucking the metal tines with your thumbs. Basic melodies can be learned quickly.
  • Availability of Learning Resources: There are many tutorials, books, and online courses available for learning the kalimba.
  • Affordability: Kalimbas are very affordable, with good quality models available for under $50.
  • Portability: The kalimba’s small size makes it extremely portable.
  • Versatility: The kalimba is used in various music genres, including folk, pop, and world music.
  • Learning Time: With regular practice, you can play simple melodies on the kalimba within 5-7 days.

Triangle: A Simple and Portable Instrument

The triangle is a small percussion instrument that is easy to learn and play.

  • Simplicity of Basic Techniques: Playing the triangle involves striking the instrument with a metal beater. Basic rhythms can be learned quickly.
  • Availability of Learning Resources: There are many tutorials, books, and online courses available for learning the triangle.
  • Affordability: Triangles are very affordable, with good quality models available for under $10.
  • Portability: The triangle’s small size makes it highly portable.
  • Versatility: The triangle is used in various music genres, including classical and folk.
  • Learning Time: You can expect to play basic rhythms on the triangle within 1-2 days with regular practice.

Maracas: A Fun and Rhythmic Instrument

Maracas are a pair of handheld percussion instruments that are easy to learn and play.

  • Simplicity of Basic Techniques: Playing maracas involves shaking the instruments to produce a rhythmic sound. Basic rhythms can be learned quickly.
  • Availability of Learning Resources: There are many tutorials, books, and online courses available for learning maracas.
  • Affordability: Maracas are very affordable, with good quality models available for under $20.
  • Portability: Maracas are small and lightweight, making them highly portable.
  • Versatility: Maracas are used in various music genres, including Latin, pop, and folk.
  • Learning Time: With regular practice, you can play basic rhythms on maracas within 1-3 days.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the easiest instrument to learn depends on your personal preferences, goals, and lifestyle. Whether you want to strum along to your favorite songs on the ukulele, explore the vast range of sounds on a keyboard, or add rhythmic spice with percussion instruments, there’s an easy-to-learn instrument out there for you.

Remember, the key to learning any instrument is consistency and enjoyment. Find an instrument that excites you, and you’ll be more likely to stick with it and progress quickly. Happy music-making!

So, which instrument will you choose to embark on your musical journey? Whether you go for the ukulele’s charm, the keyboard’s versatility, or the recorder’s simplicity, you’ll find joy and fulfillment in learning to play music. Keep practicing, stay motivated, and most importantly, have fun with it!


What is the easiest instrument to learn for a complete beginner?

The ukulele is often considered one of the easiest instruments to learn for beginners. Its small size, simple chord structures, and affordable price make it an excellent starting point.

How long does it typically take to learn the basics of an instrument?

Learning times vary by instrument and individual practice, but here are some general estimates:
Ukulele: 7-14 days
Keyboard: 14-21 days
Recorder: 2-5 days
Cajon: 7-14 days
Harmonica: 7-10 days
Djembe: 7-10 days

Are there any very affordable instruments that are easy to learn?

Yes, several affordable and easy-to-learn instruments include:
Recorder: $5 – $20
Harmonica: $10 – $50
Tambourine: $15 – $50
Maracas: $10 – $30

Which instruments are the most portable?

Some of the most portable instruments include:

What are the best instruments for children to learn?

Instruments like the recorder, ukulele, and keyboard are great for children due to their simplicity and manageable size. They also have numerous learning resources designed specifically for young learners.

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